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The Future of Marketing: Predictions For 2012 on Social Media Marketing

There are many different kinds of marketing tools out there, from Salesforce customer service chat tools to the wild west that is social media. Social media and marketing initiatives related to it can be difficult for one to wrap their head around. Seemingly lighting in a bottle, successful social media campaigns can be difficult to replicate if one does not know what makes it successful.
The Future of MarketingBusiness 2 Community is an “independent online community focused on sharing the latest news surrounding Social Media, Marketing, Branding, Public Relations & Much More.” With this site, marketers are hoping to gain better insight into social media marketing campaigns.

The site recently included me as one of its “46 experts on marketing” in the article, The Future of Marketing: 46 Experts Share Their Predictions For 2012. Here was my contribution:

The future of marketing will be turning your customers into your salesforce. The initial foray into this area has begun with retailers offering discounts to customers who can prove that they “checked in” to their store on Facebook, Foursquare, etc. We are also seeing more and more campaigns that provide incentives for connecting to a company’s social media presence.

This trend will continue, and possibly extend into the “rewards card” programs; customers could be rewarded over a long-term basis by attracting
other customers who use these cards; many grocers have been doing this for years with their nonprofit partners (i.e. donating 1% of purchases to a charity whose donors register their rewards cards with that charity’s number).

Webinars as an educational and marketing platform saw a huge rise in popularity in 2011, and will continue to grow in popularity in 2012.

Read the whole article here:

1 Comment

  1. jeremygregg

    This article was also cited on the Vertical Leap web site, here:

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